Learn The Exact Strategy That We Use to Make $1.2k/Day UGC Ads using A.I
Black Friday Sale Has Ended
Update as of Nov 28,2024:We've hit $180,000 in rev from A.I Ad creatives!
In the last 5 months we've made $171,325.00
(tracked by Facebook) using A.I to create UGC Ads.My goal is to help you scale to your first $20k+ per month from using A.I Ads!
The strategy I follow is simple and you’ll learn how to replicate it and generate consistent sales for yourself.

In the last 28 days...We've made $7,400 using A.I to promote AFFILIATE offers organically.On platforms like TikTok, InstagramAll from With $0 Ad spend!Without having to show our face!

When joining this course, you get access to all our private ad scripts,
a.i software and swipefiles. Available for course members only.

If you're a 6-7 Figure Marketer, Media Buyer, Copywriter or Affiliate who needs new winning VIDEO creatives ASAP, this course is PERFECT for you.
🚀 A.I UGC Ads require no work from your client🚀 A.I UGC Ads allow you to fire 💩 influencers and creators🚀 You can create an infinite amount of ad variations within minutes🚀 You can create high converting creatives for affiliate offers without ever showing your face
Clients got busy and couldn't film new ads...UGC Creators we hired were horrible...So I decided to give this "A.I" thing a try.
It all stated on June 14th...

Wondering if this will work for YOU?
Here are Winning Ads we've created using A.I for...• Ecommerce Products
• SaaS & Software
• Coaching, Consulting & Agencies
• Affiliate Offers on TikTok
Ecom Product (Faceless)
Ecom Product (A.I Music)
Ecom Product (A.I Avatar)
SaaS Product (Faceless)
SaaS Product (A.I Avatar)
Consulting/Agency (A.I Avatar)
Coaching/Online Course (A.I Avatar)
What's inside the course?
A.I Video Ads Introduction

A.I Video Ads Setup

Bonus A.I Strategies

Bonus Ad Trainings

Additional Bonuses!
7 Figure YouTube Ad Masterclass ($5,000 Value)
Since 2019 we've been generating 7+Figures with YouTube Ads.Brands we've scaled have been featured on Fox News.

In the 7 Figure YouTube Ad Masterclass you'll see how to properly set up
-campaign settings
-YouTube channel
Kim's Winning Video Ad Script 2025 Version ($2500 Value)
This is the exact copy and paste script we've used to produce 7-8 figure video ads since 2019.Fill in the blanks and enjoy the sales.
Clients who've used this script have seen a 4X ROI on their video ads..

Advanced Copywriting Cheat Codes ($4000 Value)
Wondering why our ads seem to magically work?Jason Capital (my copywriting mentor) gave us the Copywriting Cheat Codes
which is why our ads PRINT SALES.
Jason is one of the world's best copywriters,
generating $77,000,000 from all his offers across 6 different niches..

Best UGC Adspy Tool 2025 ($997 Value)
Stop being creative, start recreating ads that are already profitable.You'll get access to the exact adspy tool we're using to find winning UGC ads
and remake them with A.I.

BTW - we're using this adspy tool to find winning ad scripts
and repurpose them for Coaching, Consulting, Agencies, SaaS, Courses
(NEW) Advanced Facebook Ad Targeting Masterclass ($997 Value)
Ever wondered what the best ad targeting is for your niche/offer?In this training I break it all down for you for these 3 industries:
✅ Local Businesses
✅ E-commerce Businesses
✅ Coaching, Consulting, Agencies, SaaS, Courses

Case Study Conversions Script ($597 Value)
It's hard getting clients to record great testimonials for you..Which is why I created this script to help you get clients ON VIDEO sharing their results.

These are the kind of testimonials you should receive...

Your Instructor: Kim Blanc
• Kim has been crafting 7 Figure Video Ads for coaches, consultants and e-com brands since 2019.• Kim has been personally mentored by
Dan Henry & Jason Capital• Kim has invested $109,131.66 with World-class Copywriters & Media Buyers to learn their Secrets & Strategies (so you don’t have to)
(2025) A.I Ads Course 2.0
Black Friday Sale Has Ended
What makes this course unique?
This course is just like you sitting next to me while I show you the strategy you can follow to start creating winning UGC Ads using A.I! I share with you the exact copy and paste ad scripts, a.i tools, and swipe files you need to be successful. These scripts and trainings can not be found anywhere online, they're only available to members who join this course!
How long do I have access to this course?
Forever! You'll get lifetime access to the course and all the updates added.
Is the price always going to stay the same?
As we run more A.I Ads and discover new winning strategies we will add more content. Which means the price of the course will increase.
Does this work for anyone?
Yes & No.We're seeing this work for e-com, coaching, consulting, agencies, SaaS and affiliate offers.But In order for this to work for you, you will need a product that people actually want to buy. A.I won't get people to buy garbage.
© Adsvisore 2025. All rights reserved.This site is not a part of the YouTube, Google or Facebook website; Google Inc or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by YouTube, Google or Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. YOUTUBE is a trademark of GOOGLE Inc.DISCLAIMER: The sales figures and results discussed in this training are our personal results and in some cases the sales figures and results of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who watches “how to” information webinars get little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT BUY THIS COURSE.